Monday, 4 November 2013

Ask, and You Shall Receive

Okay, so I know I haven't posted in the past few weeks and if you read this you will know the reason why.  

Since my last post, I have changed workplaces.  As previously mentioned, I was not able to work at my full potential, so I made the decision to move on.  I must say, it was the best decision I could have made.  As some of you may know, I have a tendency to keep very busy and juggle a few jobs at once.  I value my time, and having worked in environments in which I was uncomfortable in the past, I promised myself I would only work for projects I believe in, I enjoy doing and where I can be of most use from now on.

Hard working staff in the office!
I love coming to work.  There are children and staff members everywhere I look and these people WORK HARD.  They are productive and ambitious, smart and open minded.   They are at their positions at 7:30am and when I leave at 4:30pm, they are still at their desks. The NGO is called Association of Early Childhood Development in Malawi.  The association runs caregiver training programs all year round and operates a childcare centre.  My position as a resource mobilization assistant has got me working on various projects already underway with other previous volunteers and staff.  Website, proposals, networking, training… I am looking forward to gaining so much experience in this short period of time.  
Caregiver trainees' dorms.

Now, you must have anticipated these two scary words at some point in my voyage: "Resource Mobilization".  Although the AECDM already possesses many contacts with INGOs and programmes such as UNICEF, funding is sporadic and uncertain.  Programme funding from these foundations and organizations is strictly budgeted.  Hence, the AECDM offices are poor in resources.  There is one office for all program and project officers.  They must share chairs, desks, computers and so on.  The training rooms do not offer proper seating nor any desks or tables.  Oh, and electricity and wifi are a luxury.  

Here is what I am asking.  I need you to share the link below as much as you can and donate.  Crowdfunding is a great way to source funds from peers and allows a pool of donors to contribute in any amount they can.  Now, one may argue that this does not promote capacity building.  And you're totally right!  But, I am using my time and placement here to raise awareness of the needs in this particular NGO and to use social media and networking to help them financially. 

You will find more details on the crowd fund link below, but I inquired about their material needs, something they could purchase with the funds I could get from a crowd fund and the answer was chairs (mainly) as well as a projector (trainings) and flip chart stands.  These would aid the trainers and trainees immensely in the learning and teaching process at the centre.  

With the help of the staff here and a previous volunteer, AECDM is launching its new website.  You will find information about their history, programs, staff and more.  

I thank you for reading and I am confident that this cause will interest you as much as it has for myself.  


To contribute to the crowd fund, please follow the link below.


  1. I think its truly inspiring that you made the move to do something that was frighting, yet fulfilling to you. #GodBless

  2. I'm very proud of you Samantha, and very happy to see you taking this on. I'm glad the switch turned out to be a satisfying decision!

    1. Thank you! I get to witness amazingness everyday and I'm sure your journey must do so equally!
